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Favorite Stories, Olde West Studios, 1991
Sapelo: Time is Winding Up, Olde West Studios 1992
Knick-Knack Paddy Whack,
Black Eyed Pig Studio, 1997
Yes M'am, Respect for the Elders, Black Eyed Pig Studio, 2000

Featured on:
Timeless Wisdom Tales, Vol II, by Dr. Kumuda Reddy, Samhita Productions, 1999
"Why the Sky is So High" on Rainbow Tales, (audiocassette & CD), Rounder Records, 1997.
"Brer Tiger and the Big Wind" on Sierra Storytelling Festival Best of 1987, Bennett House
"The Knee High Man" on StorySpinners, Course Crafters Inc., 1997


Ready to Tell Tales, Holt & Mooney, August House, 1994
African Americans:Voices of Triumph-Creative Fire, Time-Life Books, 1994
The Language of Literature, McDougal Littell, 1997,
The Storyteller´s Guide, Holt & Mooney, August House, 1996


African Story Journey: Across Time and Place, Filmic Archives, 1997
African Story Journey: The American South, Filmic Archives, 1997
African Story Magic, Family Home Entertainment, 1992
The Twentieth Anniversary of the National Storytelling Festival, (interview) Hometown Entertainment, 1994
Tell Me a Story, Vol. 2, Hometown Entertainment, 1995.
A Storytelling Treasury, Vol. 3, National Storytelling Press, 1993

This is the "dressed to impress" section. You know what I mean?

Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors

1999-2000 California Arts Council Touring Artist Roster
1998 National Parenting Publications Gold Award for Knick-Knack Paddy Whack
1998 Parents Choice Gold Award for Knick-Knack Paddy Whack
1996-1998 California Arts Council Touring Artist Roster
1994 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship
1993 American Library Association Notable Recording Award for Favorite Stories
1993 American Library Association Notable Recording Award for Sapelo: Time is Winding Up
1992 Parents Choice Gold Award for Favorite Stories
1989 Festival 2000 Grant (NEA)

Selected Performances
Selected Performances

Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
Open House at the Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA
Sierra Storytelling Festival, Nevada City, CA
Hoosier Storytelling Festival, Indianapolis, IN
Connecticut Storytelling Festial, New London, CT
Imperial Valley College, Imperial, CA
Pleasanton Performing Arts Series, Pleasanton, CA
The Music Hall, Portsmouth,NH
Dartmouth University, Hanover,NH
Cypress College, Cypress, CA
Annual National Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN
Hawaii State Library System, Hawaii

Music Center on Tour, Los Angeles, CA
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
San Juan Capistrano Storytelling Festival, San Juan Capistrano, CA
´s Pillow, Beckett,MA
Highland College, Freeport, IL
National Storytelling Conference, San Diego, CA
Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C.
No. Appalachian Storytelling Festival, Mansfield, PA
Timpanogas Storytelling Festival, Orem, UT
Vanderbilt University, Nashville,TN
Showcase 2000, Costa Mesa, CA

International Performances
Glistening Waters Storytelling Festival, New Zealand
Dunya Festival, Holland
Graz Erzahlt Graz, Austria
The Berkeley Educational Society, Bermuda
Australian School Library Association, Australia
Ljungby Berattarfestival, Sweden

Who said--You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time--Oh well, you know the rest.
Don´t forget, certain things must be taken with a grain of salt.

Critics Corner
Critics Corner

"Unusually engaging program in which she received not only one, but two standing ovations on opening night"
Oakland Tribune

"An important American Talent...unique...electric...soul stirring...brilliant...I was spellbound"
Gerald E. Snider Ph.D.
Johnson College, Kansas

"I hope you know how popular you were with every audience, how you ignited the crowd every time you stood up,
how magic and compelling you were (and are) as a storyteller...we were in the palm of your hands"
Peg O´Sullivan
Connecticut Storytelling Festival

"Thank you for your superb performances. Everyone loved you. Your personality, compassion, and love for
others came through every time someone talked with you, or listened to one of your stories."
George Nelson
Northern Prairie Storytelling Festival

"The Spiritual singing was one of the most memorable hours of my life" "Diane Ferlatte was great for culture
because we could all relate to differences and equality"
"Diane was brilliant"
Glistening Waters Storytelling Festival, New Zealand

"You have the uncanny ability of making every single member of the audience feel like you are talking to them personally, as if in their own front room and then suddenly being able to switch gear to the role of orator addressing
a whole hall of people. You are indeed a communicator extraordinary!"
Paul Armstrong
Music Hall, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

"I was sure impressed by how many subtle but critical messages you were able to communicate"
Design For Sharing
UCLA´s Performing Arts

"Truly a masterful storyteller...a significant contribution to the success of the conference"
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

"The college has not stopped singing or signing since you left...a smashing success...a lasting impression"
Broward College, Florida

"Your storytelling presentation was the perfect closing event for the conference. Participants loved it. A few of the many written comments:`This was so affirming, nurturing, and exciting,´ `Fantastic,´`Magnificent,´ and `The best thing at the conference.´"
Education Training Research Associates

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Copyright © Diane Ferlatte, 1999-2000. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form
or medium without express written permission is prohibited.

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